J. Martín

BA in Philosophy in University of Barcelona. Currently MA both in Citizenship and Human Rights: Ethics and Politics and Bioethics and Law, both in University of Barcelona. Coordinator of Col·laboratori de Deliberació, a multidisciplinary deliberation group, which is associated to MA in Citizenship and Human Rights: Ethics and Politics, with Dr. Màrius Morlans as a consultant and highly-qualified lecturers on every session. Besides she is a columnist in the magazine Valors with a section named Dilemes Ètics (Ethical Dilemmas) and participates in Vall Hebron Hospital’s Health Care Ethical Committee. She has collaborated with the research Participació Infantil i Construcció de Ciutadania (Children’s Participation and Citizenship Building) of the Research Group on Moral Education from Pedagogy College in University of Barcelona. Teaching Ethics’ practical lessons, subject taught by Dr. Norbert Bilbeny (spring fall 2013-2014) and currently PhD (c) in Bioethics and Applied Ethics with the thesis Looking in a new way at the patient’s autonomy paradigm by creating capacities in minors, which will be supervised by Dr. Begoña Román.

Email: juliamartingisme@ub.edu

J. Martín