G. Marfany

She received her PhD in Biology in the Universitat de Barcelona (UB, 1991), specializing in Genetics. Her professional career, both academic and scientific, has developed in Barcelona, Edinburgh and Oxford. Currently, she is Associate Professor in Genetics in the Universitat de Barcelona and teaches in the degrees and post-graduate masters of Biology, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Biochemistry.

Her expertise extends from the human molecular genetics and biotechnology fields, with a strong emphasis on the study of model organisms in research, genetic diagnosis of hereditary diseases and functional analysis of genes and genomes, to the social impact of the applications of the DNA-derived genetic information.

She leads a research group, supervising several doctoral and master thesis and publishing in peer-reviewed international scientific journals. Additionally, she assesses and contributes to several Comissions and Observatories on bioethics and the regulation of the uses of DNA-derived information. She is the author of two science divulgation books on genetics and its applications.

Email: gmarfany@ub.edu

G. Marfany