
GISME believes that academia shows an increasing need to generate interdisciplinary synergies and knowledge networks and sites of diverse knowledge. The latter idea requires auto-organizational multidisciplinary teams assembled and shaped by people of multiple backgrounds that are capable to work towards a common goal, which is trying to reduce the negative impacts of the uncertainty derived from constant changes, and anticipating possible future scenarios. In order to face these diverse challenges, many companies have unified criteria to deal with them based on mathematical models with the aim of:

· Understand the process of technological innovation in the private and public sphere and civil society, emphasizing both market dynamics comprehension and social impact derived from such innovations.
· Seek for new added value derived from changes in current technological products and/or services.
· Optimize existing business models and/or to create new ones that promote socioeconomic sustainability.
· Translate academic scientific knowledge in social and academic impact to improve society’s welbeing.
· Democratize scientific knowledge through dissemination, with an eye in citizens needs and demands.
· Revisit major challenges that humanity has to face in the light of a new moral, ethical and political view.
· To promote the European Union framework milestones in line with the idea to generate new sites of transnational knowledge to face global risks.